People ask, what’s it all about. what’s the deal with being sentient and having thoughts and the unique sense of being that is afforded exclusively to humans, presumably, for all we know. I think it’s quite simple. I don’t presume to speak for everyone, but here’s my thoughts.
I want to give all my money to a baby. I want to make some money, hoard it all up somewhere, then give it to a baby. If this works out all right, maybe get some more babies, make some more money, give that money to those babies. But that’s all theoretical, that’s all wild baseless speculation. The one thing that I am certain of is, I want to give all my money to a baby.
I personally don’t have any babies but I also don’t have any money, so this all evens out for now. But I think, if you do have any babies - try giving them a fiver, see if that doesn’t cheer you up.
I don’t have a career - I’m not really a career guy. I’ve tried to educate myself, and a lot of my adult life a lot of people have wished for me that I educated myself into various careers, but I never did. I don’t do well with schools. I just want to work. I think there’s a ridiculous amount of pointless busywork involved with literally everything, where you spend years doing nothing, doing absolutely nothing, before you just get out and learn whatever trade shit you’re supposedly studying, by doing it, in apprenticeships. So I wasted years doing nothing. Cut out the middle man.
I’m not saying it doesn’t work, and I’m not saying that everything is easy and I know how to do it, and that education is superfluous. I am saying though that the system I’m currently in, is extremely, extremely wasteful and unoptimized for anything other than making people dependant on banks. Most people want an education not because of the actual skillset it supposedly provides, but for the metaphysical sense of initiation, of being granted permission to do something, by “society”.
Worst case example I know is, in Denmark there’s this notorious “entrepreneur” school, where you pay a fortune to waste 2 years playing little games and larping as a kind of creative/hippie - it’s really about a projecting a certain lifestyle more than anything. And the only skill you actually learn is self-marketing - bullshitting. I know several people who’ve done this, with the stated goal of using the education to become an “event organiser”, to organise music festivals. Something it takes zero skill or permission to do, you could just, you know, do it. You could just start doing it, today. apply for grants, write a budget, call a venue. You could just start doing it right now.
This is the most egregious, it’s self parody. But the principle I also see in a million other things, in real jobs.
You can save a lot of time and money simply by not asking for permission, and just, doing it. But that requires that you have something you want - something that you want more than you want initiation. More than you want permission, and recognition, and resolution from your super-ego judgements calling you a piece of worthless shit. And that’s the basic trap they’ve got you in.
Consider giving your money to a baby.
inside all men there is something that's just waiting for someone to tell him "go". the economical environment you find yourself within is exploiting this fact of human nature and using it to keep you in suspended animation.
>I think there’s a ridiculous amount of pointless busywork involved with literally everything, where you spend years doing nothing, doing *absolutely nothing*, before you just get out and learn whatever trade shit you’re supposedly studying, by doing it, in apprenticeships.
this exact thing is what drives me fucking insane. i cant fucking stand busywork, i cant stand emailing people and phoning people and having meetings and going to classes, all absolute nonsense, beyond frustrating to me. You spend all your time doing nothing and you become nothing.
For me, the solution ended up being getting good at the thing i wanted to do before i even went to school, so the school was just to get the certificate to say i can do what im already doing anyway. Same with job - I'm punching hours as a formality so I can come home and do the things that are actually dignified/worthwhile. Thats the only way I can rationalize it without going completely insane
That solution only can work for a little while though. The next way to do it is to have a family so i can give my money to a baby