Sexual Morality
A positive worldview that isn't a reaction to the status quo, but is generative and striving and rooted in grand understanding of man in history
Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, anal bdsm orgy, porn bad, actually the people complaining about porn bad is Worse, monogamy, marriage rates, incel onlyfans girls, hypergamy, feminism, troons. There, we all got it all out of our system? Good.
You can't save everyone and you were never supposed to. The difference of your life and your era is not the task at hand. The objective has not changed. What has changed is your perspective. You dint think about how can I be a good man and a good father. You think about women and men and children as groups, and relate to them as groups, because you think you have to "complete the system of feminine idealism, before settling down with one random example. You think you have to solve eternity before you begin solving the immediate.
The social problems of today are technical problems. Social isolation and individual alienation is a product of technology. Private Life has changed more radically in the last twenty years, than in the past 2000, and we are still all finding out feet. Even acknowledging the fact that everything today is radically different, is a hard pill to swallow. It's hard to believe - how could that be the case? How could they get away with it? Human beings are very adaptive, but change is usually gradual and slow, and sudden, radical change, is interpreted by the subconscious and the body as crisis and danger. The world we live in is one of schizophrenic anxiety: everything is different, but at the same time, everything is boring and stagnant. Your body tells you you are in crisis but your mind is bored. This makes the mind turn on you. Look at how boring and normal everything is! You must be CRAZY, to be feeling like you do. The good news is you are not crazy. The bad news is that you cannot use this things in a "small healthy way that doesn't affect you". You are affected.
That is all to say that the conversation about men and women doesn't just start in men and women. It starts with figuring out where you stop and the world begins. It starts by separating you from hyper reality. That is, circling back to the first paragraph: you don't need to solve and fix and save, "every woman", just just need to do one. Once you really, deeply understand that, the game changes, and it's a completely different ball game, and you will have to start over from scratch, and none of your previous philosophy will help you. You need to work your way up out of the technological layer to even be able to begin contemplating the human or social layer.
Objection: Human beings are fully cyborgs now and the technological layer is inseparable from the social. Everyone is online and online is never going away, so it is useless to contemplate life without it.
Answer: Self fulfilling prophecy that is setting yourself up to lose. Just walk away from the screen. Computer isn't real, and you should never accept this premise, that hyper reality is authentic, or sufficiently authentic. It is synthetic, and your own body is screaming out in pain rejecting it. It's not really, truly up to you to choose, because if you choose hyper-reality you are giving up on your body, which is death. It's the illusion of a choice, but in reality there is only one answer you can give and remain coherent. The choice is between pain and death. If you grew up after 2007 you have just never experienced the real world and you can't imagine it, because all your reference points are synthetic emulations.
Social media is designed explicitly to make all things appear personal to the user. This is the core you need to understand, and be able to detach yourself from, intellectually. You need to start there, because until you do, you are not having the conversation about men and women, but a schizophrenic confrontation with your own Anima. Women er hypergamy robots? Tell me about your relationship with your mother. Did you feel that her affection was conditional growing up?
We will approach describing the positive worldview worth striving for and achieving, that isn't just reaction against something, reactionary and secondary, in steps by negation.
Part of the difficulty of articulating a world view or philosophy is accounting for the introduction. All thinkers today are preoccupied with the world of others - once I figure out how everyone else works, I will be free to act among them. This is ultimately a limitation of a kind of intellectual narcissism. The same movement as described above. Solve the abstract, before the personal. Solve infinity before the immediate. To enter into the world and be coherent, you must do both simultaneously. To be able to do philosophy you must do self-psychology. To solve the woman question you have to solve the man question, and you can't do them in turns. You can't solve the woman question first, so that you will be safe from potential danger in looking at yourself. You have to look at yourself to solve the woman question.
You cant talk about "the anti porn discourse on X" and how this group interacts with that group, and women are using it as a weapon and men are simps, etc etc etc. You can only discuss your own relationship with pornography. You are not a disinterested observer studying monkeys. You are the monkey jerking off. You cannot observe without influencing. "it is good for others to live by arbitrary morality, but I am special and I choose jerking off as a kind of new sincerity, the rules don't apply to me, because I am smart and special". Then what is the point of observing them and studying them and making conclusions about them? Except for the pleasure of voyeurism.
Smoking is bad for you, but I do it as a choice and expression of my individuality? Okay Edward Bernays. Great nietszchian self over becoming you got there.
Sexual dysfunction is not a series of categories. There are not a set of separate groups of sexual dysfunction, it is not a spreadsheet, but points on a single flat line. The Internet pornography to cross dressing delusion pipeline is hard evidence of this. The difference between sexual paraphilia are not of category, but of degree. The sexual function and drive in man is universal, and it is mostly a solved problem. The healthiest expression of sexuality is in monogamous marriage. This is a real world solution to a multifaceted issue. All of modern sexual theorizing is born out of looking at it in "laboratory conditions", trying to look at it without accounting for the world and history. Man in a laboratory, isolated. But this is a fundamental mistake, because the sexual drive does not exist separately from the world. You cannot separate them. It is the very essence of life in history, so called vitality, the life-force itself, and it does not exist at some higher abstract level.
Even if Platonism was real and the world is a shallow expression of the higher world of ideas and forms, sexuality would be the exception. In fact, sexuality would be the process by which the ideas manifest themselves as material. Sexuality and the sexual drive, sexforce, is the way the mind manifests the world. We as agents of the life force, manifest the world of ideas through our vitality.
The way we do this has manifested throughout history towards a more and more efficient system. "selective breeding" has resulted in history as an expression of various "philosophies", and you can look around you in the world, to see which cultural results you prefer. All that is good and noble in the world comes out of a well ordered sexual drive, that harmonizes with all other aspects of life. The history of all the horror in the world is groups of people saying "that is all well and good for everyone else, but maybe *I* can have my cake and eat it too". The Christian notion of "sin" is just the thought "but *I* could get away with it".
The harmonious ordering of the sexual drive is commitment. It is choice. It is being active. Dysfunction is being ruled by it, being passive, letting it wash over you. Losing yourself in it, losing yourself in the world. Ecstasy, the little death, melting into orange goo. The harmonious ordering is finding yourself in it, and manifesting yourself, and exciting the orange goo.
Anyone familiar with Internet porn has freely documented the experience, on the Internet for the past twenty years: more wants more, and you start watching a softcore nipple, and gradually over time descend into more and more extreme vulgarity. This is one of the most documented things in the world today, although it has become less acceptable to admit and talk about. But for twenty years everyone openly admitted it. The difference between perversions are not category, but degree. You need more and more vulgarity, to be able to lose yourself. You need more and more shock effect, to hypnotize yourself for a split second so you can forget what you're doing, and cum.
One of these are sustainable over time, and manifests as growth and life, and the other is a gradual self destruction that ultimately leads to death.
A severe issue with accepting dual realities, and hyper reality as a sufficiently real substitute to reality, is that it automatically degrades reality as a mere "kind". If there are other possible realities, then reality is not "reality" - it is merely a perspective. This is unbearable to the human psyche, and thinking this way has for all of human history been deemed insanity. The way to return to a meaningful world is the same as ordering the sexual drive: it is choice and commitment. Getting rid of the pain and anxiety of modern life is always just a choice away, in every moment, and in every moment you are choosing. Life or death. Life is painful but you get stronger. Death is painless. It is an irrational choice. Much like the sexual drive is irrational. You are born into a war between life and death, and you get to choose a team. That's it. All abstaining votes goes to death.
The practical mechanism by which your order your sexual impulse is what has historically been called marriage. The institution of marriage is an external expression or manifestation of an internal psychological choice. Monogamy is a choice. It is not a magical spell that frees you from temptation, frees you from the judgement of women. Marriage is not something that happens to you, passive. It is something You are Doing, active. It is choosing to channel your sexual drive exclusively in a singular direction, towards a singular woman. It is not her job to make sure you don't look at other women. That is a choice you have to make, continually.
The reason Jesus says that merely looking lustfully at your neighbors wife is fully equivalent with infidelity, that you have "sinned in your heart", is not some mere magic trick to make you feel bad for "just expressing your healthy male vitality". It's because doing so is being PASSIVE. It is, in that moment, letting yourself be lost, and letting the goo take over. It is giving up agency. The lesson is not for your wife's sake, it is for YOUR sake. Being unfaithful is not only doing harm to your wife, it is in a profound way doing harm to yourself.
I was talking to a guy on X yesterday, who was expressing political concern that Women as a group would use the "anti porn discourse" to "dictate men's sexuality to them". I think that is a fruitless and paranoid frame of mind to be in. "women" as a group (your anima) will always "dictate" "your sexuality" - until you choose otherwise. The experience of sexual attraction is a loss of agency - you don't choose to be attracted to the picture of boobs, they *attract* you. You will never be free from that feeling of loss of agency, until you are married. Marriage is the act of freeing yourself. By choosing, willing, and directing your will and energy. Your wife is not a magical alien that make it effortless to be a good man. You can never stop caring about it or willing it. Commitment isn't a one day thing. You do it every day. You choose whether you like it or not. Not paying attention, the votes go to death.
Men and women growing up into sexual life both have humiliating and traumatic experiences. Women experience a profound betrayal by the world, that what they once thought was innocent, relationships with men that are not your father, have all this baggage underneath it, and they boys were never your real friends, a sudden and immediate and permanent change in life, that requires them to excibit more agency. Men experience a loss of agency, as the sexual impulse overwhelms them. Adulthood is developing healthy coping mechanisms for these humiliations, and integrating them into your ego.
The difference between looking lustfully at the waitress in the coffee store, and pedophilic rape, is not of category, but of degree.
The difference between "heterosexual promiscuity" and "homosexuality" is not of category, but of degree.
The harmoniously ordered sexual drive manifests in the world as high trust society. It is integrated with the material and historical circumstances of life, in a productive, generative way, that produces more higher life. All modern theories of sexuality attempt to look at sexuality in a vacuum, but sexuality never is in a vacuum. It is the very means by which the world is manifest. It can never be separated, you can never have free sexuality without consequence, a fetishistic escape from the universe, where you just exist in effortless pleasure. The sexual drive, the life force, IS the very concept of consequence.
“Sexual morality” is not impositions onto your free will. It is a ladder out of the subconcious. It is the path to real freedom. It is sharpening your will and honing it into virtue. Plato was wrong and Aristotle was right. You begin in the self and virtue, you don’t design the world top down.
And thus we loop back around to the introduction. Do you want to live in a meaningful world? It is always, in every moment, only a choice away. Put your money where your mouth is. Do you want to be alive? Do you want agency?
The path is straight and the burden is light. But you do have to walk. Away from the screen. N
Thanks man.
Needed this today.
Profound piece.