Only through Christ is determinism broken. Christ closes the loop, fulfils the prophecies, and ends determinism, opening up the world to total, radical, existential freedom. Free will, will to power - all of these things are only possible through Christ. The kingdom of God is at hand fellas. All you have to do it take a slice.
The doctrine of Forgiveness breaks the chain of revenge, the law of the jungle, that chains mankind to nature. It allows you to become something different than your historical-necessity, something greater than the sum of your historical-material parts, by rejecting to participate in the natural cycles of suffering, repeating the abuse you suffered by doing it to others, acting out unconscious behavioural patterns.
The point is not grovelling and giving up and letting yourself be trampled over by nature, but stoicism and rejecting your programming, rejecting being a cog in the wheel of nature and time, mindlessly acting out your biological and psychological drives and passions, by aligning yourself with a higher, transcendental power.
Only Christ can make you real and free, and not a computer, not just a machine repeating patterns programmed into you. A computer is just a pagan.
The freedom of Paradox
The Paradox of abstinence is that only in abstinence do you become sated. Only in fasting do you ever become full. When you eat, you only want to eat more - following your passions makes you a slave. Buddhism covered this extensively. More wants more, when you sate one desire, you only get two more desires that are even worse. Hey what gives.
If you believe in bicameral mind theory, (which I don't, but it can be a useful Wittgenstein’s ladder), then it goes something like this: the apostles were the first truly sentient human beings.
Ancient man lived in bondage to Fate, as depicted in ancient mythology. Life is predestined, pre-written, and determined by the gods in advance. You are an animal, a victim to the forces of nature and the whims of the gods, and you can never aspire to anything but that.
A cross is the simplest visual representation of paradox. Two intersecting lines, in perfect opposition to each other.
Dying on the cross is in visual language total commitment to a paradox . This is the narrow path, which is open to everyone, and has been opened by Christ leading the way and showing the path.
It's not that we need the bible or the gospels explained to us, today. We need it un-splained. It’s already as direct and to the point as possible.
The doctrine of forgiveness is about psychologically decoupling from an event, and assessing it according to higher principles, and not being a total sperg and just reacting mindlessly, spazzing out and lashing out in aimless rage.
You must love Christ more than your mother and father, to love your parents. You must love the transcendent principle of truth, freedom and love, to be able to love, to be able to be free.
You must love freedom more than the boons freedom gets you, to be able to get anything at all.
“Eye for an eye” is the moral demands of Reason. The old testament law is the law of the jungle. Nature is cruel and operates mindlessly, mechanically, according to laws and patterns. Perfectly according to reason. But forgiveness is irrational. It is irrational to turn your cheek to a hot stove/enemy/danger. It shouldn’t make sense, it doesn’t, and by reason we cannot account for it.
And yet on this principle of irrationality, all that is good about life, man, and the world, is built.
All human connection, all language, all contact between selves/minds/souls, all satedness to the prime human lacking, of loneliness, at the atomic level, is based on the irrational choice to lower your guard towards something you recognize as a danger: another mind, another soul. The rational, mathematical Survival-optimising behaviour would always be to distrust, always be at arms length. This is today what we categorise as a “psychopath”. This is the default human. The irrational choice, lowering your guard and making yourself vulnerable must always be Chosen. Freedom is not your natural state, but something you opt-in to.
The friendship test: I show you my open hand, or if I am a dog, my troat and soft underbelly, allowing you to hurt me. You do the same, allowing me the chance to hurt you. By mutually engaging in this mirrored madness together, we establish a mutual understanding of each other, and the beginning of trust. And in so doing, we perform a miracle: something that breaks the laws of nature.
Abstinence - restraint - rejecting the world, worldliness - today, these concepts would best translate as “breaking the conditioning”.
In modern psycho babble language (another wittgenstein’s ladder), the doctrine of forgiveness is resolving your inner trauma instead of repeatedly acting it out over and over in the world, to box at the shadows haunting your dumb brain (my "return to scene of crime” metaphor).
A practical example
My mother treated my grandmother cruelly. She was resentful about things she had experienced in childhood, and took it out on her mother when she had become old and frail, and I saw her do it, and recognized it as cruelty and injustice . This made me resent my mother, and if I had children, I would have treated her cruelly in turn, to punish her, in front of my children. And I would have burdened my children with the same cross that my mother burdened me with. But if I "pick up my cross and follow Christ", we are all freed from it. If I brave the paradox, I break the conditioning, and I free us from Fate. If I don't, I die stewing in impotent resentment haunted by a ghost image in my head, long after my mother is no longer with us.
My father is full boomer lost in the abyss, and because our family failed, he adopts other widower’s families, to get to have grandchildren. And when he talks to me about it with innocent boomer joy, it hurts me profoundly - that instead of helping his sons, he just substituted us, for his own immediate pleasure. He would call me and chat about how his "grandchildren" are so much fun, as if they were my family, as if they were my nephews, as if they were my children, and I have never even met the parents.
It is the worst pain I know, total humiliation, total ego death, and he is completely oblivious to the pain he causes me. "old family didn't work? I'll just buy a new one", and he thinks nothing of it.
He is lost in a totally deranged boomer fantasy world, because he couldn't face the guilt he felt about not being able to save me from dying, at 14, and in so doing, causing me, and presumably my brother, we haven't talked about it, further pain, by his cowardice and weakness.
The un-reflected, instinctual, animal, fate-action, would be to let my son watch me hate my father, and again just pass the torch of disfunction and suffering. But if I pick up my cross and follow Jesus, and tell my father I love him and how grateful I am for all the virtue he has instilled in me, and how the fact that he encouraged me to physical fitness is literally the only reason I'm alive today at all - had I not been in peak Olympic physical condition from being a competitive swimmer at the time, I would not have survived - that he did in fact save my life - I save myself, my children and him, from the bondage of nature. And we are free to do whatever we want.
Christ returns all the time. The apocalypse is everywhere. He returns every time two are gathered in his name. He returns every time you break the conditioning.
Patriots are in control. Now and forever.
Amazing piece. Thank you.
This is all anyone needs to know, and in my case keep being reminded about. Thank you.