Jan 13Liked by Egg Report

Literally just said “babe wake up, new Egg Report.”

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Jan 13Liked by Egg Report

Last two paragraphs are making me struggle... Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by Evil lacking substance...

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Jan 13Liked by Egg Report

Did you read Confessions

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Jan 13Liked by Egg Report

Evil can't exist because God, being goodness itself, (as opposed to just choosing to do good) cannot be the author of evil. So the assumption of evil as a concrete nature or force that you could choose to participate in assumes another creator. Evil is the absence of good like darkness is the absence of light.

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"Evil wants to manifest into the physical world, but, being antithetical to Being, it is in paradox with itself. It cannot become physical, because if it did, it wouldn't. So what happens next is, it needs souls, minds, humans, to act out these impotent attempts for it."

I listened to an interview with Chris Langan a while back and I recall him saying something similar to this. Randy confirmed 200 IQ.

As always another banger, and getting to the point that in Evil's hatred it wants to dissipate us into our own vices. As we turn to God and become good we become more real and as we turn away we fade away and become possessed by nothing. As greed comes to consume those obsessed with wealth, as the search for the next high to addicts, & etc

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Jan 13Liked by Egg Report

Poets point at it by outlines, boundaries. It adheres to boundaries, walls, borders, old and newly erected ones, Chesterton's fence taking on a new meaning. De-finitions call to its infiniteness by being islands of finite existence it immediately attacks - creating a layer of ambiguity that contends with the definition. Uncountable, it seeks to be counted. Undefinable, it seeks to be defined. Going after it is gluttony?

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There was this girl I was watching on YouTube, a middle aged Catholic girl, and she was talking about her vision of the devil. That the enemy doesn't care about his followers, he has 0 interest in them. That you are nothing to him. You are nothing in hell.

But in heaven, it's similar, you become nothing. But not because God does not love you, but because you willingly decrease, so He can increase. It is out of love. In a sense, hell is just perverted heaven

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Jan 16Liked by Egg Report

Fascinating perspective and great writing. Thank you

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This was a very nice read, definitely one I will need to read again. Enjoyed the word play.

I dont know how to say this, but I will try. Seems to me like the ether is the evil, creation is the opposite, but not its equal, it's better. The distinction is necessary for the contrast , but unlike the rhetorical equality between words like light/dark good/evil, while the ether may be necessary for creation , it is more of a catalyst (medium) than an equal variable. Perhaps it is the collapse of the function?

I will chew on this awhile. Thanks for another great article.

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I often think about entropy when reckoning events and actions. Sum total, in thermodynamics, no change can be more constructive than destructive. Therefore, as material is finite and as any change comes with an irrevocable cost, the world naturally tends towards pure chaos, nothingness.

Joe decides to cut a bit of slow traffic at a lane merge. Joe saves a few seconds of his own life, but the traffic is somewhat worsened in his wake, slightly slowing down hundreds of other motorists. Sum total, Joe annihilated a few minutes of human life—a little murder. Joe enjoyed it.

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