May 6, 2023Liked by Egg Report

You probably already know this, but the experience of waking up inhabiting someone else's body, permanently, is what happens to a large percentage of users of strong psychedelics.

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Well that’s absolutely terrifying!

I think it likely that these mind-altering substances can lead to not “merely” an altered state of perception, but actual possession by an evil other.

I read up on some people’s experiences who had gone on these bizarre adventure trips, often in South America but sometimes here in the USA, where they stay at a retreat run by some type of shaman who guides them in drug-induced sessions to expand their minds. All extremely natural of course.

What some of these people say is they experienced a literal glimpse of the unseen dark forces that are drawn to these opened souls and are seeking a way in. It was common to read how they described exactly that they no longer were truly themselves as a result of this adventure. They could feel “it” and didn’t like it, but couldn’t figure out how to revert back. Others didn’t recognize this change in themselves, but loved ones said the ones who came back were dramatically different, and not in a good way.

The Troll Story does not sound like some fun, light reading for the kiddies. Is this an old European folk-tale?

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May 6, 2023Liked by Egg Report

Peter Madsen also created a great comic book series called Valhall.

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Dearest Randy, at the time of writing this comment I am situated on my balcony, awaiting the impending thunderstorm to begin. I can feel it in the air! I'm hoping this finds you well. I have been reconsidering many things in my life, changing some of them for the better in the process. I cannot wait to finally become a real person by internalizing abstract concepts about desire and how other people influence me. I jerked off today. Sincerely yours,

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We are all dead men, crying out to the void, singing for release. We have all been dead men, with hearts made of stone, and eyes of rotted timber. For a moment, the men of the west were alive with the iron of Calvary, but only a few remain alive now.

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