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Your mean voice is very good

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Hey, you're miserable again, that's always the most entertaining writing (also I'm a horrible person who gets a sick joy about other people being miserable, too, so thanks).

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stay strong egg man

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> I’ve always been testing people - would they even care enough, to try to find me, if I just suddenly disappeared from their lives? Would they even notice? Now I have no friends.

Been doing the same, with the same result.

"did I just reveal their preferences?"

The prodding and experimenting with people to see how they react just for curiosity's sake, people tend to not like it. "omg hes not like me"

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oh apparently its another schizoid thing (sorry for the reddit link but this sub is decent at times) https://www.reddit.com/r/SchizoidAdjacent/comments/ymyw5v/me_talking_to_my_parents_only_to_strategically/

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Send POWER, Egg Mon.

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> On some kind of imp-of-the-perverse, unarticulated for many years, level, I was testing to see if anyone would notice... I’m sure some of them miss me like I miss them. I’m sure some are glad to be rid of me...

A rule of thumb: only a autist-bipolar would have the dumb desire to test people, and only a manipulative narcissist (ADHD-esque) would need to be tested. Most normies are direct about what they need or want, they don't reply when they don't need or desire you.

> Yesterday I had the thought, sudden regret, of all the time I spent with certain people, watching “tv shows”.

Another rule of thumb: most normies are okay with you suggesting some benign things to do together. Most relationship goes like "one last job" in heist flicks. No business means no relationships, says Roger Dunbar. Meet weekly meets for your "clique", monthly for close friends, quarterly for party friends, and annually for people you want in a wedding/funeral. If they are close enough they will watch the paint dry with you.

> I have a good 20 IQ points on the smartest people I talk to on a day to day basis

A third rule of thumb: based on random saple with average IQ as 100: in a 5-man team, the smartest is likely a 118IQ midwit (as in middle managemenet material); in a 15-men table, the smartest is ~126IQ smartie with a degree; in a 50-men small company, the smartest would on average be eligible for MENSA with 134IQ; until you get to a 150-men organization there is no way the smartest is some PhD material with ~140IQ. If the power gap is more than 9 points between the top people, then some of them low-balled their potential too hard.

> If I go out of my way to be nice, people think I'm attacking them, and if I am brutal and indifferent, they like me.

If you can't do manipulative niceness, being candid is the best, they don't say it but know you ain't "return some tapes" and give them a bad time. Forgot which Venkatesh Rao (or some other blogger) post noted the two things not to do in the company being "weakness" as blood in the water and "egotism" being mob-bait.

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