Really curious about the last paragraph... I put a computer interface between myself and everything I do and exactly how am I training myself to think then? As if I am just an operator of a tool and not a fully realized human being???

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This article makes me hearken back to a website I've perused called "The Information Philosopher", wherein the author basically says that, on a fundamental level, every material and immaterial thing in the universe is composed of information.


Methinks some of the ideas about virtual reality and artificial intelligence are founded on philosophies similar to that one.

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Feb 11Liked by Egg Report

I agree with the basic picture you give us here, but I think you're arguing against a weak form of mono-causal universalism. Basically, a mono-causalist doesn't need to argue A -> not-B. P is only an explanandum in light of B. So, if only-A, then P is no more than an amusing artifact of taking B seriously. Bakker goes into this in detail in "Alien Philosophy". And I think the Darwinian case gives you more trouble than you let on. It may well be the case that mono-causalism merely reflects one application of the principle of sufficient reason, and not how the world actually stands, but it remains the case that it's been out-competing 'B', despite centuries of counter-enlightenment protestations. This line of argumentation really only works to convince a few that they belong to an invisible aristocracy of the inner life because they play piano or something. I don't mean to be caustic, I like piano and all those things, I just think we should own up to our total hopelessness

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"Writing code turns people into robots" I feel like there should be a word for this.

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The Picasso story, in which he charges a high price to a woman for a 5 minute sketch on the grounds that it took him a lifetime, hits deep. Are you putting in the reps? Are you putting in the reps for your tucking in your wife? are you putting in the reps for hosting your neighbors? Are you putting in the reps for your father and your son?

Computers would be vastly improved if in order to use them, you had to answer "DID YOU PUT IN THE REPS". Fortunately, I have programmed my computer to do this, and only this.

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