Interesting write up. Albiet my path was different, after I had heard enough through social osmosis I took a deep dive into Freud. ( also growing up with a mom who was a psychologist didn't help) it didn't take long to get why he is pushed. Ideas of fantasizing over our mothers and hating/envying our fathers helps the idea of the materialists that we are merely smart masturbatory monkeys that are led around by orgasm traps and other titillating stimulations. Of course I long ago discarded most of his "psychology " as a strange hubris, later in life I came across "Anti-Oedipus" by Deleuze and Gauttari. This system wants us to be modeled after Freudian paradigms where free will, love and moral universals are reduces to illusion or delusion. It is rather easy to manipulate and redirect sexual energy as a form of biohacking, Freud helped formalize that process.

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Side note for everyone: last night I saw there was a movie out called "Freuds last session" starring Anthony Hopkins. I have not yet watched it so I do not know if it is good, but it is a theoretical conversation/debate between Freud and C.L Lewis. Hopkins is a great actor in my opinion and while he is playing Freud and I am sure the movie tilts the theme in his favor, such a conversation would certainly have been intriguing. Naturally I side with Lewis but it may be interesting to watch. Just wanted to pass that along..

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Shtetl, longhouse, lack of private life and understanding thereof. Burthplace of the NPC? Always putting on the show. Interdasting.

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An article that resonates. A few things that it prompted in me: Freudian Coverup [Freud also worked with the young of the aristocracy, mostly female, that experienced sexual abuse [broken trust]; one can see the dissonance between perceived civility and the alleged "best" of Viennese society - but this likely exists in every society, ala deMause and childrearing; and especially among the 'aggrandizers of society'.]. The interesting thing in the article was the timing of the changes - it sounds like you became placated with language? Then the injury shook up your language-dominated persona?- and the control/repression of emotions?- especially anger?

There is a difference between righteous anger [ability to defend one's self and boundaries]; and anger from self-imposed victimization. Out of curiosity, have you read "the problem of the puer aeternus"?- the flight to intellectualization and day-dreaming; overcome via perserverence ...

“When I make my enemy my friend, have I not destroyed my enemy?" - the article also parallels the the movie "I heart Huckabees". The vulnerable, alive perspective is to focus on the vast similarities and shared humanity/beingness, that differences become joyful/healthy adaptations and not Bernay's advertised facades for insecurity/thwarted belongingness/perceived burdensomeness. I wonder if gaining weight is a way to test the sincerity of the relationship; the same way I have askewed many societal norms?

Sunday top o' the day flights of fancy [words]!- on this day of some guy beating up snakes [oh, those silver-tongues] on some green is-land-of-ire!


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I have not read problem of puer aeternus, but I have watched huckabees - I don't remember it much, but I remember my reaction to it being the kind of frustration where you can see potential unfulfilled, that it was unsatisfying somehow because I thought it had more potential than was delivered. And liking the soundtrack, I think. Interesting thoughtful reply, fun to see you draw connections I wasn't actively consciously making. The idea of making yourself fat to test the relationship - I am definitely guilty of that.

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Ordeal of Civility - there are rules to society, that can be learned like a game.

Revenge of Nerds - to win the game is to get the hot chick, no rules [immature intelligence]. 80's subversive theme. The jock's next role is boytoy of the bossy woman banker in Married ... with Children (the show that established the Fox Network). High-school football player stiff arming Bubba Smith reduced to kneeling in front of fat women buying fashionable shoes. - Worship of Women, as the ultimate status symbol.

Pierce Brosnan - portrayal of "Playboy" - combination of Nerd + Jock + Civility = works in Intelligence as a Spy, incidentally under "M" [Mother?] {Archer lampoons this with his actual mother, the actress who was the mom in Arrested Development} + Licensed to Kill = James Bond. Traditionally actors were looked down upon; as they are trained to fake emotions and deliver others' words authentically [suspension of disbelief]. Upside down world, people worship "stars". Nietzche - most people are cowards who lack power. Honest therapy - Brosnan's wife was married to Sexiest Man Alive (in that world) and a master at his craft (lying). Food as avoiding the obvious temptation - w/ Brosnan's power, would "I" take advantage of the opportunities available or remain faithful to my own forged ideals?

Actions speak louder than words, and the Ordeal of Civility is upheld for the greater good; in a high-trust society - how much is the Protestantism extended Calvinism - i.e. pre-destination determinism, that is proven by acting as heaven-bound in this realm and thus popular. That it's an "act", part of a game. To succeed, one has to play the game - which can be dominated by narrative; i.e. verbal acuity; the hurdle is extending trust from the tribe to the society; and the underbelly is manipulating women via intelligence - power as eternal victim; the Holocaust as the ultimate lesson for God's chosen people?- the most powerful narratives (Spotlight, AIPAC, NYTimes, Oppenheimer), museums in every major city; interesting split as of late via October 7/Gaza.

Hucks - ostensibly based on existentialism (why exist?). It's Hollywood, so it's lefty- at the time the highest ideal, as narrative, was the environment. Wahlberg - the fool fundamentalist, leaves family for shared ideal w/ Watts. Schwarzmann (?) - corporate green, the lead who moves the story -uncovers his hidden motives; the rules he's been following - his family is material (found by following the clue of star autographs), he envies Jude Law's status symbols as acceptance. Jude Law (the law of Judea) - the corporate ideal; who's faux pas was becoming naively conscious ("How am I not myself") via using power he did not understand - he lost narrative control of the corporate "model" because she fell into the therapist (the-rapy) confusing language; thus losing the superficial difference between him and the other characters. Conclusion - Schwarzman (after effing the negative mother therapist, hello Freud) combines the positive and negative perspective of the rules of this realm, thus true life begins after the movie/narrative ends (actions, the fruit of the tree)? Start to see "reality" outside of the popular lies people tell/live by.

by the way, I only read a few chapters of Ordeal and skimmed the rest ~ a year ago; it's been 25+ years since I watched Revenge of the Nerds. It was a movie that ran often on HBO in my youth - self-selected target audience - affluent programming; paid service with more "high-brow" entertainment, comedy specials, drama series ("It's Not TV. It's HBO." "It's What Connects Us.") ... and breasts (Dream On)! Nerd Revenge is part of a genre of eternal youth: Fast Times at Richmond High, Animal House, American Pie, PCU, True Genius, Big Bang Theory (get it; the rules on how a nerd gets to bang the hot chick!). [Pick-up Game Theory for autists who fail Gerardian mimetics?]. The live-action theatre is good too!- Tom Brady is GOAT, Moynahan and Giselle. Taylor Swift and Kelce/KC. Trump/Biden.

In the end: jocks, nerds, women are all caught up in different iterations of the same game/narratives?- shared suffering is the shortcut out; i.e. imbibing poison for the facade; whether alcohol/drugs, popular culture/media, food, corporate (corporal) success.

Video games = School. Learning to play within rules (in appearance, looking for loopholes). Shared suffering; the Passion, lent, easter; war; everyone is a victim! ... sexual preference and abortion as the highest ideal! Covid. BLM. Nuclear war. Gaza. Elections. "news" that ain't new.

Philosophy is seeing the rules; Life begins [and ends] by authoring one's own life? Philosophy has been summed up as learning to die (Camus more bluntly stated the ultimate philosophical question was whether or not to commit suicide). The power of auth; author, authentic, authority; and the agency to see it through ...?

old man go outside, old man go outside.

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good stuff.

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:/ idk who this Freud is you're talking about but it's unrecognizable to me

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I think you just need to go to Mother Mary and cry in her lap over your self-induced problems

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Was Nietzsche doing that, too? With all his psychologizing and seeing through people.

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John Norman, of the Gor series, was a philosopher in his day job.

I find this important somehow.

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