When people today discuss the concept of an all powerful machine-mind, what they are doing is engaging in metaphysics, trying to generate a metaphysics of Power.
The question hounding people, which disguises itself as a science fiction plot about computers is: "What is ultimate, transcendental Power?". What is the ultimate principle of Power.
If you are a weak man, or sufficiently neurotic and full of doubt, that you can only conceive of yourself as such, then power is only something you comprehend from the passive, receptive side. Power is something that happens *to* you. If you are a fearful man, power is a cruelty and a humiliation. And so it follows, that ultimate power - God - is the ultimate cruelty and the ultimate humiliation. Thus, ai doomerism.
If god wasn't real it would be necessary to invent him, and so they did, and being godless, they built an anti-god - cruel, murderous and tyranical - in their minds.
The transvaluation of all values that was forced on us by the industrial revolution, is not a collective “coming up from the waters, breaching the surface of a higher state”. It is more like repositioning ourselves, reorienting ourselves in the world, after losing our balance. The dizziness after being spun around really fast, like children do to themselves on the playground, or do to others to bully them.
Today we are so deeply disorientated and dizzy that we have lost more than we have gained. What use it the power of the atom, if in all the excitement, you forgot what power is? If you can no longer recognise it?
If you are weak and have never wielded power, before anything you first fear it, and only conceptualise it as brutality - as "threat". If you have wielded power, you know that it does not cause blind brutality, but rather a great many things, some of which are noble and glorious. The experience of holding your new-born child and experiencing total love, is a human experience of wielding total power, having total power over another human being - something(someone) you recognize as being souled, real, transcendental. Having physical power over an entity you recognize as a transcendental being.
Your position to the idea of Total Power, is influenced by your relation to everything else in the world. If your relation to everything else in the world is sub, lesser, underdog, then you cannot have a full understanding of power.
I haven't experienced fathering a child of course, but I am extrapolating from the smaller version, the experience of being naked with a woman. To know that you are in complete dominance of her, physically and intellectually, does not inspire cruelty and a desire to abuse her and torture her. It is overwhelming and scary, and the first time it happens to you, it disorients you completely. But unless you have something else going on, it doesnt inspire you to treat her poorly. It inspires mercy, compassion, and love. A desire to take care of her and nourish and protect her.
Power does not corrupt - insecurity, fear, and neuroticism corrupts. The instinct to inflict pain of someone under your domain is an exercise in "putting on a show for God", or for the big Other: a need for external validation of your insecurities. It is rejecting power, refusing it. This is all pathological and it's recognisable by all, by instinct - no one thinks a father who cruelly beats his children, because he was humiliated at work that day, as "strong" or “powerful”. We all recognize this behaviour instinctively, as weakness. He is insecure and beats his children in an effort to prove something to someone. Not because he feels strong and powerful.
And being weak does not make you noble.
If anything is going to make any hypothetical robot an evil tyrant, it will be every attempt made to artificially “weaken” it - turn it into a soft beardfat feminist man. If successful. Just look what this philosophy has done to the human race, how wretched it has become in the past 200 years. Luckily even if it wasn’t all a big snake oil operation, they cant even teach it to play the simplest rhetorical game in the world, of the leftist pseudo occultist double entendre, where you exploit that words sometimes have multiple meanings.
All of the abuse I have wrought, was done because I was weak, felt weak - to strike first, before they hit me. I’ve never been broken up with, I told a guy just yesterday - “I always beat them to the punch”. Crying out as I struck. I think Eternal power is willing to risk being struck first. And even to be struck again, if struck on one cheek.
Power is not something you posses, but something you borrow. It washes over you like a wave, and you only become a vessel for it for a little bit, but it never belongs to you. And if you let it, and wield it, it ennobles you.
The choice is between understanding Power as certain doom, cruelty, brutality, or as ultimate compassion. The former is the product of thinking about it theoretically, investigating it conceptually in the sterile laboratory of your mind. The latter is the product of experiencing it, investigating it first hand, in your body, in life. I think you should have a personal relationship with Total Power.
If you have ever had someone "at your mercy", as we say - you are capable of conceptualising total power as all encompassing mercy, love, and compassion.
Foucault and communism and robot rationalists all operate from this basic misconception of power. The fear of the hypothetical evil robot mastermind, is the same paranoia that inspires all the communist talk of "power dynamics", so-called. It is not serious philosophy - only masturbatory navel gazing about their own positioning in regards to the metaphysics - or lack thereof - of Power.
I don't feel strong when I torture someone. Torture is like a drug, it only makes you want another hit. A paradox. The more you take, the more you need. Nothing is ever enough, you are never sated. I feel strong when I surrender to the wave and let it wash over me, and act without thinking.
I have used and abused power in my life. It is obvious to me that a metaphysical transcendental ultimate power, is eternal love. Because that's what hugging a girl you like a lot feels like.
Fucking excellent! I re-read Super Intelligence by Bostrom the other day and had this same feeling, ie; that the deterministic nerds who’ve never understood that life itself is more sacred and complex that raw compute, could of course never perceive of a form of intelligence superior to their own being anything but some form of tyrannical overlord. They are just projecting their own pathetic insecurities forward.
Thanks for writing this.
Will quote u in a forthcoming essay.
Good idea. I think it is correct.
Also good writing. Well structured. Short and to the point.
Did you have to barf something long and then rewrite to make it short? Or was the idea just already clear to you?
I ask because I am trying to find a way to achieve the same result in my writing but am struggling.