There's something about all of the Polanski movies I've seen that is just so gross. Like fan fiction for a particularly misanthropic kind of edge lord.

Rosemary's Baby: watch a clueless woman get raped into having the Antichrist from the victim's point of view, you can call it horror but I'm pretty sure the director intended it as porn for the elites who funded his movie.

Chinatown: watch a clueless detective get mind-fucked into uncovering how San Francisco, and by extension America, actually works. In this case, "mystery" is intended in the ancient religious sense, as a revelation. This includes Faye's character. Porn for the elites.

Ninth Gate: watch a clueless book appraiser undergo a series of misadventures that include fucking the whore of Babylon in an accidental sex magick ritual that opens the gates of Hell. In other words, more porn.

Oh, wait that's why I find these movies so gross: they're all gleefully, cynically Satanic.

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Sorry, not related, but I wanted to ask you : what do you think is the cause of the boomer mentality ?

And I am not referring to the "buy a second home, go on a cruise" type of thing. I think I more or less understand both the materialist and political echo chamber they were to various degrees stuck in. What I don't get is the "temporal bubble" they managed to erect around them.

Maybe I am just reading too much into my own personal situation, but when dealing with my parents (real boomers born in the 50's) what surprises me is not so much a deny of the future manifested as greed as a deny of the past.

Maybe I am just an exception and I happen to be the one guy dealing with boomers who would rather sell their (unique) house than see their kids go hungry or something...

And maybe it's just a thing in my own country (I don't think so), but it's as if there is this spiritual spell, this perversion in the zeitgeist that disable any tangible connection to something prior to the time of the boomers.

It's as if France never really existed before 1950. Like yeah, before that was the Primordial Darkness from which Everything That Is Good And True emerged, but before WWI ? A complete mystery. It might as well be aliens. In fact it feels like you are dealing with aliens, it feels like you are dealing with "incomplete people" and you have to fill in the blank by grinding down old books Moldbug's style.

Maybe it's just that after x number of generations, the past automatically becomes muddy, idk... Maybe it's just a coincidence. Still it is strange that even the members of this generation who aren't hoarding wealth, seems almost unable to pass down to their children anything but material goods as if they had cut the "spiritual link" at birth and then grew up unable to rebuild one...

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The spiritual links weren't cut at birth, they were frayed with the Enlightenment and exploded by the end of the Second World War. France and China perhaps more so than others, but there was more than enough trauma to go around.

It's a lot to explain here (always the sign of a good post when the comments end up being longer than the article itself) but I don't have the ability to really get into 200+ years of history right now. So I'll just deal with the last half-century and the Boomers.

Basically, WWII was so bad and everyone did so many horrific things while it was happening that it was better to just "not talk about it" afterwards. Instead, let's focus on this world we built out of it, let's believe with zealous fervor that whatever came before couldn't hold a candle to what we have now. Because that's the only way anyone can justify the atrocities we prosecuted and the atrocities we ignored as being WORTH IT. Not just killing Nazis and Saving Private Ryan-type shit, I'm talking betraying your own neighbors to the enemy, mutilating POWs, eating children out of starvation, and it gets darker than that... all perpetrated by both sides. Just think about how bad things have to get to make dropping two nukes on an island nation seem like an act of mercy.

Take your home country as an example: How many of your friends and family are descended from Vichy supporters? How many might even be descended from Nazis because great grandmama did what she had to to survive the occupation? How many committed crimes that went un-prosecuted during the liberation and ensuing decolonization of Africa? Probably more than anyone would care to admit.

So, survivor's guilt x infinity. Denial to the nth degree. Wipe the slate clean and move on. Pretend everything is cool even if it's all a cheap facade and your kids know it. Because that generation understood that the gauze of society which separates civility from savagery is thinner than paper. After two world wars in living memory, stopping the cycles of horror mean you have to forgive or at least forget.

Subsequent generations internalized this. They no longer look to the past for answers the way a medieval teenager might consult scriptures written by Mesopotamian goat herders. The past does become muddy, but up until relatively recently people had no problem sifting through it. Today, they worship at the altar of "innovation". The answer is always in the future: in what hasn't been done before. Maybe it's in a bunch of untried drugs, or on Mars, or through the calculations of a bunch of supercomputers, or via a portal made by smashing subatomic particles together, or in furniture that resembles pure geometry. Definitely not in the minds of the primitives who came before us.

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Well written. We recognize the same issues, which is certainly good. However, property rights are already gone even in the United States.. the supposed leader in freedom. The concept is now a platitude. You pay yearly rent to use your land in the form of property taxes. At any point in time the land can be taken for non-payment of rent or any other reason the leviathan and its handlers so desire. I do agree that land ownership is a good step.. just not nearly as secure as we are conditioned to believe.

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